GPN22: Just Do It – Demoscene Edition

The “Gulaschprogrammiernacht” in Karlsruhe, Germany, is the second biggest event of the Chaos Computer Club, attracting around 2.000 visitors every year.

For a number of years, the demoscene has been welcomed at the event with open arms; especially thanks to some of their organisers called “trolls” helping at Revision and other demoparties, as well as demoshows and live coding acts during GPN itself.

Thanks again to all organisers, trolls and interested folks we got to spend the weekend with!

As GPN is highly participative, our own talk was called “Just Do It: Demoscene Edition”.

Shana and Psykon introduced the audience to potential starting points, recommended tools and shared tips and tricks for your first release at a demoparty (German-language only):

And here comes the full list of free tools that can help you to get started in our community, or to just explore digital creativity for yourself!

We are just showing you some of our highlights – if you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole, you can also check out the Awesome Demoscene Repo maintained by psykon:

Just Do It – Selected Tools

DisciplineToolLinkDescriptionPlatform(s)Open SourceTutorials
GraphicsGrafx2 Graphics Program (Pixel Graphics)Haiku, Linux, WindowsNo
GraphicsMoebius, Windows, LinuxYes
GraphicsKrita DrawingMacOS, Windows, LinuxYes
GraphicsInkscape GraphicsMacOS, Windows, Linux, BSDYes
GraphicsBlender GraphicsMacOS, Windows, Linux, BSD, Haiku Yes–4MKpciLaoQYZB1Z
GraphicsGimp ManipulationMacOS, Windows, Linux, BSD, AmigaOS 4Yes
MusicOpenMPT Sequencer / TrackerWindows, WineYes
MusicArdour, Linux, BSD, WindowsYes
MusicLMMS, Linux, WindowsYes
CodeTooll3 Tool / Motion GfxWindowsYes
CodeCables.gl Tool / Motion GfxBrowser-basedNo
CodeGodot Tool / Game EngineMacOS, Windows, Linux, BSD, WebYes
CodeShadertoy EditorBrowser-basedNo
CodeTIC-80 Console (angelehnt an 8-Bit Systeme)Browser-basedYes

Just Join It – Our Community – Collection of almost all demoscene releases, including links to the archive, captures on YouTube and contact details for (some) demosceners – List and calendar of all global demoparties – Demoscene Forum – Demoscene Discord (ca. 5000 User)

Just Watch It – The Video

(Header by Entropia,