Already for the third time, we have the pleasure of being invited to PlayBern! And on top of that, we can finally bring even more: our friends from and around the Cookie Collective!
Instead of a Demonights as in previous years, we’ll try something new: on Friday and Saturday you can enjoy some of the best demos of the past 15 years on several screens in the chill-out area with a coffee or cold beverage, as well as three interactive art installations by Emilie Breslavetz and Cosa Mentale.
We are also offering workshops for schools in generative design from our project “Pingala”, and Oleg “seism” Lavrovsky will be back again with the fantastic Game Jam, creating video games with kids during the days of the festival, and present them at the end.
Stop by and say hi, and don’t forget to also check out the festival itself – like in the last years, there are many indie games made by kids and teenagers, interesting talks and installations around the topic of Games and Migration.
Additional information, program und signup:
About Cookie Collective members: Emilie Breslavetz und Cosa Mentale
Opening Time for the Echtzeit Demolounge on Saturday: 19:00 – End of the Day; Sunday: Closed