Open Education Day 2021

At the Open Education Day as created and presented by CH Open and PHBern you’ll get access to know how and experience if you’re working as a teacher in Switzerland and under the “Lehrplan 21”. With presentations, workshops and lightning talks about open source technologies, open content, media education and IT comptence, the Open Education Day covers a wide range of important topics that you might want to dive into with your class.

When: Saturday, April 24. 2021
Where: Hybrid (local & virtual)
Participation is free: Sign up

In their workshop “Spielerisch-experimentell 2D-Grafikprogrammierung und -Animation kennenlernen” (Introduction to 2d graphics programming and animation with a playful and experimental approach) Echtzeit – Digitale Kultur members Jörg Berkel und Oleg Lavrovsky introduce a toolset of pre made code snippets and code examples that can be used to create individual animations and art on screen. Using web browsers with p5js (similar to “Processing”) they walk you trough ways on how to create choreographies from colors, movement and scaling, randomess and interaction.

More information and portraits of our speakers on