People of Demonights 016

Demonights 016: Rückblick & Playlists

(Dieser Artikel wurde unter ursprünglich unter publiziert und ist darum nur in Englisch verfügbar.)

Demonights 016 took place on November 26, 2022 at Kinemathek Lichtspiel – quite possibly the most beautiful and nerdy location you can rent in Bern. Movie projectors, plenty of movie references, a great bar and comfy seat. Good sound, the lovely Gong and an adequate screen (size wise). Scroll on for photos and complete playlist of what we’ve been seeing troughout the evening.

A visitor who is an editor to has written a long an affectionate report. Really glad you were there, Rene! Here’s the report:

Event Photos

All photos are (c) by Mario «Psykon» Spuler


Trip down the memory lane

Between the specific shows, we had a rotation of photos on screen. Most photos were taken from Slengpung, some added by more recent events (Demonights).

Hot & New 2022

We prepared a show with a selection of what’s hot and new in 2022. Here’s the complete show as one single video on YouTube.

Lichtspiel Selection

The lovely people from Lichtspiel prepare a 1/2h movie show from their archive for all their location renters. Here’s what we’ve been shown (thank you, Eliane <3).

Best of OHP Demos

The whole show, as a single complete video is on YouTube.

Seism’s Demoshow

We ended the evening with a curated demoshow from Seism. He played requests, but mostly old and new stuff for Linux and gems released at Buenzli or other Swiss demoscene events or have a relation to any of these. We might have mixed the order of them a bit, but here’s an extensive list for you: